Friday, February 3, 2012

Cosmetologist VS. Language Translator??

need help on deciding which career path to choose, I'm going to be a junior in H.S. this year and I need to know whether I should be looking at colleges or trade schools. I know, in the long run, that a translator has more money involved in it, but language and hair are my two passions. Can someone give me the pro's and cons of both?Cosmetologist VS. Language Translator??
Becoming a Cosmetologist:~

In the United States of America, all states require barbers, cosmetologists, and most other personal appearance workers (with the exception of shampooers) to be licensed; however, qualifications for a licence vary by state. Generally, a person must have graduated from a state-licensed barber or cosmetology school and be at least 16 years old. A few states require applicants to pass a physical examination. Some states require graduation from high school, while others require as little as an eighth-grade education. In a few states, the completion of an apprenticeship can substitute for graduation from a school, but very few barbers or cosmetologists learn their skills this way. Applicants for a licence usually are required to pass a written test and demonstrate an ability to perform basic barbering or cosmetology services.

In most states, there is a legal distinction between barbers and cosmetologists, with different licensing requirements. These distinctions and requirements vary from state to state. In most states, cosmetology sanitation practices and ethical practices are governed by the state's health department and a Board of Cosmetology. These entities ensure public safety by regulating sanitation products and practices and licensing requirements. Consumer complaints are usually directed to these offices and investigated from there.

If someone were interested in studying cosmetology, they could take a general cosmetology course and graduate, being able to test to become licensed for all of the things listed above, or they could choose to study only to become a manicurist or cosmetician. There are private schools, and many vocational schools offer cosmetology to high school students. In addition, there are national organizations that provide educational and professional information.

Most cosmetologists are paid in one of three ways:~

*Commission: A percentage of the money made from the provision of services is given back to the cosmetologist as pay. Many paid this way are considered self-employed, and are responsible for taxes. The salon will provide overhead expenses such as products, lights, water, etc.

*Booth rental: The cosmetologist "rents" a space in the salon, for a monthly fee. This type of pay is defined as self-employment and the cosmetologist is responsible for all products used (perms, colour etc.) as well as taxes. In many states, this form of payment is illegal, owing to the difficulty of regulating the individual cosmetologist both legally and business wise.

*Hourly wage: Many corporate and small chains are going in this direction since it promotes a more controlled product by ensuring that employees are responsible for following company standards and policies.

Tips are another source of income. Skilled cosmetologists can often make a considerable portion of their income from tips from customers.


A language can be defined as a process that consists of a set of symbols and rules by which the manipulation of these symbols is governed. In fact, it is important to understand that without language no other social institution can function properly. However, if we study and look at the various technological, economical or social changes that has taken place, the language barriers have affected diverse business prospects in many developing as well as developed nations. In the last 15 to 20 years, globalization has made an immense impact on our daily lives and language barriers have drastically affected various business transaction processes. The world has become a small global village, and there is an increasing demand for language translation service providers.

Today, it is easy to market your organization's products and services globally through internet. Moreover, with the dominance of the internet in every facet of English-speaking society, you can put your products or services out for the whole world, but English is the second most vocal language in the world, behind Mandarin Chinese. However, most Mandarin narrators are native speakers and among non native speakers, their talents are not strong enough to boldly carry out business in English. Thus the challenge of international business is to get to these people. It is very important to understand that in order to do well globally; you must think about language translation as one of the basic and necessary aspects of your organization.

Understanding the different touch and the cultural diversity of different countries is essential and can play a major role in having successful or unsuccessful sales. So if you are planning to open your branch offices internationally, or desire to sell your products in foreign markets, an effective language translation service can make every aspect of your business more comprehensible and accessible to whatever population you choose to target your business. As per recent statistic studies, it has been found that if a product or any service is read or promoted in one's own language, then probability to purchase that product automatically increases. For a universal growth of your business and better business perspective, no doubt by employing a language translation service provider/agency, you can convert all your English-based business documents into any alien language you require.

In addition to this, here are some situations where language translation service in different forms can give your business an extra edge:

Website Translation: Your website says a lot about your business. Now if you are conducting your business online and plan to have an extra benefit, then by translating the web content of your website into diverse languages you can exchange your information to diverse target audiences. It is projected that more than 40% of businesses turn away international orders, just because they are unable to translate them. With your website translated into different languages, you can easily attract customers from all over the world.

Software Localization: It is a simple procedure of translating software user interfaces from one language to another language that suits other foreign culture. For all those who are involved in IT industry, and wish to expand their presence in the market, then the best way to make your software useful in foreign soil is to offer it in the local tongue. If you offer your software in different local languages then it will be easier to use and understand by those who do not speak English fluently. A proper translation can help international customers to interact with the software effortlessly in their own language.

Financial Translation: For every business firm big or small, financial documents that includes: Income sheets, balance sheets, cash flow statements and auditor reports actually reflect the continuous changing pulse of your business. Now through language translation service, you can share some of your vital information with overseas partners or shareholders more effectively.

No doubt the economic changes all around the world have honestly affected the language translation service and these days translators are equally involved in every part of intercultural and business communication. In a state of constant globalization, today language translation service is becoming a more significant factor for concise transfer of ideas.

* aBoVe oF aLL, iF i WeRe YoU I wouLD DeFiNiTeLY ChooSe LaNGuaGe TRaNsLaToR as a mY caReeR *

GooD LuCK ^_^
cosmetology generally has low pay, not much opportunity for advancement and you'r on your feet a lot-OK when youre young, but hell when you're 50.

translating could be very interesting and there are alot of options-personal translator, translating books, translating for businesses,. also travel opportunities.

you could also teach the language if you wanted to change careers.Cosmetologist VS. Language Translator??
I would suggest for the long term language translator, however you can study hairdressing part time and like someone above said, have the best of both worlds.Cosmetologist VS. Language Translator??

pro: something you love

con: low pay

language translater:

pro: good pay and something you love

con: rigorous training
Hey there. I don't really know much about them, I just want to say - you could do them part time - that way you can have the best of both worlds! ;-) Good luck
lol, it's like you know me...I'm aiming to be a japanese/english translator
my cousin wants to be a cosmetologist...

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